Omer Shoval

Omer Shoval


About the Director

Omer Shoval

A surfer since the age of 5 and almost 20 years knowledge and experience.
Omer has a competitive background and devoted 10 years into competition surfing in the ISA.

He is the founder behind Ocean Athlete and the man behind the vision and mission of our company.
Every day Omer wakes up in one mission to make learning better for does who seek new opportunity to push there limits.

As a child Omer lived far from the sea and gave all his position to learn surf movements on land threw the surf skate , what made him a master at technique till this very day.

He took to himself as a challenge to learn new surfing styles ( longboard , midrange and fish )
after he stopped competing professionaly and believes that combining the styles together is a most for every surfer.

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